
This was a four week group project. It focused on facilitating the creation of local communities of like-minded individuals by connecting members belonging to the same fitness center to one another and providing them with opportunities to become acquainted. 

User Research

At this point in our research, we came up with three value propositions, and began looking at other market validation to continue the app


With our research concluded, and a viable product needed, we decided to move onto lo-fidelity prototyping. Though I myself like to sketch out lo-fidelity frames before moving to digital, we decided to start with digital lofi wireframes.


After analyzing our wireframes, we moved onto high fidelity prototyping, incorporating a chosen UI, and consistency into the overall aesthetic of the app, but trying to also maintain the core aspects of community and connection we originally wanted.

The profile tab allows you to express yourself through posts and details your fitness interests, fitness goals and fitness feats to help you and other users find commonalities amongst each other.

In the community tab, direct message other users, receive notifications, and view and react to posts from other fitness center attendees, the fitness center itself, as well as specialized ads and offers.

Use the discovery tab to search for classes, events, interests groups and profiles of other gym-goers.


Study Buddy


Surf Shop